
Mekong River Vietnam Border Crossing

After our morning of historical memorials, we boarded the River Orchid and at noon we continued south down the Mekong toward Vietnam. First, it was time for another delicious lunch in the dining room.

rice and vegetables

Then we spent the day relaxing, drinking wine, watching the world go by, and stopping so customs could board our boat at a completely uneventful border crossing into Vietnam. Our cruise director had all of our passports, which included our multiple-entry Vietnam visas, so the guests never even had contact with the border control agents.

local boats

smoke on the river side

vietnamese border control
Vietnamese border control

sitting in deck chairs outside our room
There was a movie showing in the afternoon (The Quiet American), but we didn't watch it. I suspect we took a nap (it's hard to remember when you write about these things over seven months later!).

We had yet another delicious dinner, but I failed to take a photo of the menu so my descriptions of each course will suffer. It also seems that the entree was a mystery.
Mushroom and beef salad

Sweet and sour soup

Sweet rice dessert, a riff on a traditional Cambodian dish
After dinner we went to the lounge to watch Good Morning Vietnam. Part-way through the movie I realized we forgot to take our malaria meds at dinner, so I pulled them out and we fixed that.

We were in bed a bit before midnight. The night is pitch black on the Mekong, but the moon shines bright.
full moon over the Mekong River
I slept for an hour or so and then I woke up with a start - my stomach was in knots. I spent the rest of the night jumping between our bed and the bathroom, with very painful stomach cramps that made it almost impossible for me to sleep. At first I thought it might be a side effect of the malaria medication, since we'd forgotten to take it with food a few times. But it lasted for days, and it wasn't until a few days later in Ho Chi Minh City that Aaron suggested I take the antibiotics that our doctor had sent with us. In about 48 hours, it cleared up. I rallied on our tours for the next few days, but the pain came and went as it pleased. Moral of the story: If your doctor sends you with medication for intestinal distress, learn to recognize the symptoms of the illness so you can start taking your medication right away if needed!

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