
Welcome, Million Mile Secrets Readers!

Today Emily at Million Mile Secrets posted an interview with me about our travels, and specifically how we've utilized miles and points earned from credit cards and other non-travel activity to book some pretty amazing vacations in the future.

I'm not a typical miles and points blogger. I focus mostly on experiences while traveling. When we plan a trip, I research like crazy, and I love to read first-person accounts of people that travel to the destinations I'm planning. I wanted to contribute to first-person travel stories already available online, and hopefully help some folks plan their trip and maybe even learn from our mistakes.

I'm relatively new to the miles and points game, so if you read about our past travels to Germany, Spain, Baltimore, MD, our Danube river cruise or our week in Prague, know that those were paid for 100% with hard earned cash. Our quick trip to Chicago and upcoming trips to Portland, OR (October 2015), Vietnam/Cambodia (December 2015), and England (May 2016) will all be heavily subsidized with airfare and/or lodging booked with miles and points.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask! If you're interested in some of our upcoming destinations, please subscribe. You'll notice I post very often before, during, and after a trip, but very infrequently in between. I'm not a professional blogger; I only write when I have something to say.

Thanks for stopping by!

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