
Visit to Nature's Paradise Tawang

One frozen lake at Sela Pass
On 28th Dec.2005 we went to Tawang of Arunachal Pradesh with my wife bobita and daughter mimi (Garima).The small Hilly Town is located amidest the eastern Himalayan ranges and at an altitude of 3500 m above the sea level. It covers the area of 2085 sq km and is surrounded by Tibet in the north, Bhutan in the southwest, Kameng in the east and is separated from the west by Sela ranges. During the medieval times Tawang was a part of the Kingdom of Tibet.

My wife bobby and daughter mimi in front of famous Tawang Monastery
Prior to the construction of the Tawang Monastery, Tawang was traditionally inhabited by the Monpa people, who reigned over the Mon Kingdom that stretches from Tawang right up to Sikkim. The Mon kingdom was later absorbed into the control of neighbouring Bhutan and Tibet.
Tawang Monastery was founded by the Merak Lama Lodre Gyatso in 1681 in accordance with the wishes of the 5th Dalai Lama, Ngawang Lobsang Gyatso, and has an interesting legend surrounding its name, which means "Chosen by Horse". The sixth Dalai Lama, Tsangyang Gyatso, was born in Tawang.

Statue of Buddha at Tawang Monastery
Tawang was once a part of Tibet. In 1914, the McMahon line was drawn by the British and Tawang became a part of India. Today, Tawang serves as a center for tourist attractions.
It is famous for its 400-year-old monastery. This monastery is one of the biggest Buddhist monasteries to be found in India and is an important pilgrim center for the followers of Buddhism. Apart from its religious importance, Tawang is famous for its natural beauty, which attracts and enchants the traveler.

Inside of the Monastery
Tawang Monastery was founded by the Mera Lama Lodre Gyatso in accordance to the wishes of the 5th Dalai Lama, Nagwang Lobsang Gyatso. The monastery is of the Gelugpa sect is the largest Buddhist monastery in India. It is associated with Drepung Monastery in Lhasa.The name Tawang means Chosen Horse. It is also known by another Tibetan name, Galden Namgey Lhatse, which means a true name within a celestial paradise in a clear night.

Some paintings in the wall of Monastery

Welcome to Bomdila
Bomdila is a beautiful hilly town situated at a height of about 8000 ft from sea level. It is the headquarters of West Kameng district of the Arunachal Pradesh. Bomdila has a lot of attractions for the tourists from India and as well as from abroad. Colorful culture of indigenous tribes, apple orchards, snow-capped mountains and Buddhist monasteries are some of the main source of tourist attraction.

Snow capped Mountains

Sela Pass (13,700 ft. M.S.L.) are thrilling experience on the way to Tawang.
Sela Pass is historically one of the most important place.Nuranang is situated between Sela and Tawang where Jaswant Garh is situated. Jaswant Garh is the war memorial which is dedicated to Jaswant Singh of 4 Battalion Garhwal Rifles. At the time of Indo- China war of 1962 he alone fought for more than 72 hours with Chinese Army. He was honored with Mahavir Chakra award (posthumous). Still Jaswant Garh speaks about the sacrifices made by brave Indian Soldiers during Indo-China war.

Once again here is bobby and mimi .....

Roads from Bomdila to Tawang
Another small hilly station of West Kameng district is Dirang, which is surrounded by high mountain and apple orchards.

P.T.Sho Lake is only 17 km. from Tawang Town.

A Group of Lama in the street of Tawang

(Photographs by : Bhaskar Bora)

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